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October 25, 2016
Website Color Schemes: How to Pick an Effective Palette

Colors Invoke Reactions Website color schemes play a role in the amount of time a viewer stays on your site. The study, “Impact of color on marketing,” found that up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone, so a conscious decision should be made about the color scheme […]

October 8, 2016
Web Design and Website Photos - How to Take Them

Good Images Make the Best Creative Web Design What Are Good Website Images and How to take the Best Website Photos Why are good Images Important on a Website? The best creative web design for clients all have one thing in common; image quality. Images are the number one visual way information is communicated and […]

October 8, 2016
Internet Marketing: Here’s How to Get Your Content Noticed

  Optimize Your Content and Don't Get Lost in the Shuffle. Imagine you’re in a library doing research for a college paper. All of the books are thrown into a pile on the floor. You basically have to swim through the books to find what you’re looking for. The best book ever might be buried […]

October 8, 2016
Web Design: 5 Design Trends That Will Make Your Website Pop

Designing a website is a lot like buying a car, you want the car to be fast, attractive and affordable, as well as being just the perfect shade of race car red, while also accommodating your need to impress everyone by having all the latest gadgets and gizmos. I am no car expert, but I […]

October 7, 2016
Internet Marketing is Like Throwing a Party Online

Building a website without internet marketing is like throwing a party without inviting the guests. Let’s Party! The weather is perfect. The DJ has mixed a super cool play list. The food is exquisite and the drinks are cold. This will be the best party ever…if the guests ever arrive! Cue the screeching tire sound […]

October 5, 2016
Creative Web Design - Web Design vs Internet Marketing

Web Design vs Internet Marketing Is Creative Web Design the Most Important Part? Creativity reigns supreme right? It is common knowledge that only the coolest websites get top exposure. Part of me, as a web designer, hopes this would be true. However, creative web design only takes a business so far. Ultimately, there are thousands […]

October 4, 2016
Here's Why Your Business Should Invest in Print Marketing

With over 15 years of print experience, Charles Driver, Print Manager of OCG Creative, weighs in on the importance of having quality print marketing materials that represent your brand in a professional light.     I have to admit that I’m a bit of a printing snob. Whenever I visit a local place in Reno, the first […]

October 4, 2016
What Does Your Business Look Like When You're Not There?

You did it! You finally opened that business you’ve been talking about for years. Now what? It’s the perfect time to make a great first impression. Often times businesses overlook the importance of the little things--business cards, flyers, brochures, posters, signs and the impact print marketing materials can have on the business. Think of what […]

October 4, 2016
3 Brilliant Campaigns for Website Lead Generation

  If you want to start an email campaign for your business, you might be tempted to buy a list of leads. Before you do that, I would suggest something even better, and that's building an organic list from your website. Why? Building your email list organically ensures that your leads will actually want to hear from […]

September 17, 2016
Blogging Tips: 5 Simple Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

    First off, if you’ve taken the dive to start blogging for your business,—congratulations! That’s a big step in creating content for your audience, while also improving SEO efforts for your website. However, the thing that most blogger’s struggle with is actually completing their writing assignments so keep on reading to gain knowledge on […]

August 22, 2016
Effective Internet Marketing: Part II

Effective Internet Marketing SEO Keyword Tracking and Other Internet Marketing Goals In Part I of this article, we explored primary website performance metrics and ways to ensure your data isn't influenced by scumbag spammers. Now that you're looking at unbiased numbers, let's explore ways to make sure your efforts align with the goals you have […]

August 2, 2016
Landing Pages: What is a Landing Page?

If you’ve been brushing up on your web terminology, you may have heard the term “landing page” floating around. What is that exactly? In the marketing world, a landing page refers to a web page designed with one specific purpose in mind: to convert visitors into leads. What is a Landing Page?    Let’s take […]

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