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Nulla Lorem mollit cupidatat irure. Laborum magna nulla duis ullamco cillum dolor. Voluptate exercitation incididunt aliquip deserunt reprehen derit elit laborum. Aliqua id fugiat nostrud irure ex duis ea quis id quis ad et. Sunt qui esse pariatur duis deserunt mollit dolore cillum minim tempor enim. Elit aute irure tempor cupidatat incididunt sint deserunt ut voluptate aute id deserunt nisi.

Web Lead Generation

If your website was created for business, web lead generation is probably a main goal. With an eCommerce site, you still have to generate a lead even if the entire transaction takes place online. There can be many different levels of leads. Some are decision makers or influencers with a clear and present need for your product or service, others are more casual. Maybe they just want a question answered or found your website by accident while looking for something else. Whatever it may be, our internet marketing agency in Reno can assist you with our web lead generation services.

To qualify as a “lead” assumes that an individual has provided some means for followup contact—phone number, email address, etc. And that you have some indication that there might be a need for your product or service.

Web lead generation requires that you are (a) visible, and (b) compelling enough to make people want to give you their contact information. Creating visibility in Reno and elsewhere with web lead generation involves some combination of SEO, advertising, social media, and offline promotion. When someone gives you their contact information, we call that a conversion.

The key to attracting people to your website and converting them into leads is content. It takes content to achieve top search engine rankings. It takes content to show your website visitors you are serious about what you do. It takes content to convey what makes you better than your competitors.

Most businesses struggle with content. Usually, time is the issue, but writing ability and design skills aren’t far behind. Perhaps more important are strategy and editorial planning. Lead web generation content for Reno businesses has to attract interested prospects AND motivate them to take action. Since online search is essential to visibility, you’re writing for both man and machine.
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Lead Generation

Website, social media, email campaigns, PPC. Your marketing mix only has one job.
New leads = New Customers. 'Nuff said..

Web Lead Generation

If your website was created for business, web lead generation is probably a main goal. With an eCommerce site, you still have to generate a lead even if the entire transaction takes place online. There can be many different levels of leads. Some are decision makers or influencers with a clear and present need for your product or service, others are more casual. Maybe they just want a question answered or found your website by accident while looking for something else. Whatever it may be, our internet marketing agency in Reno can assist you with our web lead generation services.

To qualify as a “lead” assumes that an individual has provided some means for followup contact—phone number, email address, etc. And that you have some indication that there might be a need for your product or service.

Web lead generation requires that you are (a) visible, and (b) compelling enough to make people want to give you their contact information. Creating visibility in Reno and elsewhere with web lead generation involves some combination of SEO, advertising, social media, and offline promotion. When someone gives you their contact information, we call that a conversion.

The key to attracting people to your website and converting them into leads is content. It takes content to achieve top search engine rankings. It takes content to show your website visitors you are serious about what you do. It takes content to convey what makes you better than your competitors.

Most businesses struggle with content. Usually, time is the issue, but writing ability and design skills aren’t far behind. Perhaps more important are strategy and editorial planning. Lead web generation content for Reno businesses has to attract interested prospects AND motivate them to take action. Since online search is essential to visibility, you’re writing for both man and machine.
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We represented a major dive industry retailer at the Long Beach Scuba Show.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that Converts
Generating leads begins with visibility. Our SEO strategies focus on getting your business in front of the right audience at the right time. We go beyond basic keyword optimization, diving into technical SEO, content optimization, and backlink strategies that drive qualified traffic to your site. By analyzing performance data and making continuous adjustments, we ensure that your website stays competitive and consistently brings in leads that convert into customers.
Alien encounter in the desert coming home from DEMA, Las Vegas.
Paid Ads (PPC) for Immediate Impact
When you need leads now, paid advertising is a powerful solution. Our team specializes in creating targeted, results-driven PPC campaigns that connect your business with high-intent users. We optimize every aspect of your ads, from audience targeting to ad copy and design, ensuring your campaigns deliver the best possible return on investment. With continuous monitoring and adjustments, your ads stay relevant and effective, bringing in leads quickly and efficiently.
Halloween at Rocco's Tacos in Orlando, Florida. Bueno!
Social Media Marketing that Engages
Social media is more than just a platform for posting content—it's a key driver of lead generation. At OCG Creative, we leverage social media to build relationships, create engagement, and generate leads that turn into lasting customer relationships. Our approach combines organic social media strategies with targeted ad campaigns to maximize your reach and connect with the audience that matters most to your business.
New Orleans local we met during a business trip.
Email Marketing that Nurtures Leads
Nurturing leads is essential to keeping potential customers engaged and moving them through the sales funnel. Our personalized email marketing campaigns are designed to do just that. By segmenting your audience and crafting tailored content, we ensure that each message resonates with the recipient. From automated drip campaigns to personalized follow-ups, our email strategies keep your brand top of mind, turning prospects into loyal customers.
Maui Pacific Divers is the #1 dive operator on the island and a favorite OCG client!
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) for Higher Lead Quality
Attracting traffic is only half the battle—converting that traffic into quality leads is where we shine. Our Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) services focus on enhancing the performance of your website. We analyze user behavior, optimize landing pages, streamline calls-to-action, and reduce friction points, making it easier for visitors to take the next step. Whether it's filling out a form, subscribing to a newsletter, or making a purchase, we turn clicks into conversions.
Amphi has been featured on TV and is changing the face of diver propulstion.
Content Marketing that Drives Engagement
Great content doesn't just attract visitors—it engages them. We create content marketing strategies that speak directly to your target audience, offering value and fostering trust. From blog posts and articles to whitepapers and videos, our content is designed to guide potential leads through the customer journey. By addressing pain points, providing solutions, and showcasing your expertise, we position your business as a trusted authority, driving engagement and generating high-quality leads.

We're lucky to have clients all over the globe. We specialize in adventure travel, tourism and especially the scuba diving industry. We also work in more common verticals like medical, legal, finance, logistics and manufacturing. We are excited about every new opportunity and look forward to meeting you!

Nurturing Leads Online

" Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost (Forrester Research). "

Not every lead turns into a customer overnight. Often, converting interest into new business takes months, or even years. A lead without followup is just a contact. Maybe you get an email or a phone call asking a question. If you answer it and leave it at that, it’s not a lead. It’s a wasted opportunity.

Think of it as the difference between fishing and hunting. Fishermen wait. Hunters pursue. That’s not to suggest fishing is a bad strategy (inbound marketing is a fishing tactic), but when you get a nibble, do you set the hook or hope the fish will hook itself? That’s your sales pipeline, and if you are in business you have a sales pipeline whether you think you do or not.
This is the Buddy Dive dock in Bonaire. Apple's "night mode" produces some cool pics.

Change from a contact strategy to a website lead generation strategy

Begin by listing the questions your current and potential customers ask. Next, make it your goal to answer those questions before they’re even asked. Nearly 100% of the time, your website visitors found you online through an attempt to answer a question or solve a problem. Anticipating questions, and providing ready answers keeps people on your website and establishes you as the best source for information.

Resist the urge to try to control the flow of the information you provide. Website visitors will decide whether or not they’ve found what they want in only a few fractions of a second. This is part of the reason “splash pages” are a not a good idea when it comes to Reno web design and lead generation.

Website visitors have a way of ignoring what you want them to to do and finding information their own. Forget about your sales pitch and focus on proving you are the leading expert in your industry. Don’t even bother trying to sell. Attract website leads through “thought leadership,” a term internet marketing people made up because it sounds smart.
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We feel this way about everyone we meet. We especially appreciate our wonderful clients for supporting us through so many great years!

Nurturing Website Leads

Having established that the best way to attract leads is by being generous with your subject matter and further realizing that a lead is a contact with method and purpose. The trick is to keep them moving through your sales funnel. The top of your sales funnel is the first point of contact. It can be a form fill, phone call, email, or something else. What you do next is the key to turning contacts into customers.

There is a tool for that called CRM for client relationship management. Or is it customer retention management or client retention management? It really doesn’t matter. The critical point is that you forget about trying to manage leads from your email inbox.

CRM makes it possible to manage every stage of every contact (lead, opportunity, project) and maintain important details like purchase history, note about prior conversations, research, even birthdays and pet names if it help you close the deal.
We feel this way about everyone we meet. We especially appreciate our wonderful clients for supporting us through so many great years!

A little more about us

Nulla Lorem mollit cupidatat irure. Laborum magna nulla duis ullamco cillum dolor. Voluptate exercitation incididunt aliquip deserunt reprehen derit elit laborum. Aliqua id fugiat nostrud irure ex duis ea quis id quis ad et. Sunt qui esse pariatur duis deserunt mollit dolore cillum minim tempor enim. Elit aute irure tempor cupidatat incididunt sint deserunt ut voluptate aute id deserunt nisi.

We include CRM, free

When you contract with OCG Creative to manage your internet marketing, CRM is free. All of your (our) Reno web lead generation efforts feed the CRM. You’ll still get email notifications with all the important details, but now those leads will be stored forever in your CRM. You’ll be able to find them along with every detail over time, simply by looking.

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